Ch. Kasan Airborne Ranger

Show Results

8/18/02  Greeley KC Judge Lydia Coleman Hutchinson Winners Dog 3 pts (major win)
8/17/02  Greeley KC Judge Nancy Smith Reserve Winners Dog
8/11/02  Buckhorn Valley KC Judge Pat Hastings Best of Variety
Best of Winners
Winners Dog
5 pts (major win)
6/9/02  Colorado Springs KC Judge Glenda L Henson Best Opposite Sex
Winners Dog
3 pts (major win)
6/8/02  Colorado Springs KC Judge Robert J Shreve Best of Winners
Winners Dog
3 pts (major win)
6/2/02  Evergreen Colorado KC Judge Judith A Goodin Best of Winners
Winners Dog
1 pt
6/1/02  Flatirons KC Judge Lesley Hiltz Best Opposite Sex
Winners Dog
3/31/02  Brazos Valley KC Judge Paula H. Hartinger Best of Winners
Winners Dog
1 pt
3/30/02  Brazos Valley KC Judge Irene Bivin Best of Winners
Winners Dog
1 pt

August 18, 2002
We did it! Ranger finished with a 3-point major win in Greeley. That gave him four majors, including a 5-point BOV, all before his first birthday! He's officially an AKC Champion! Ranger has brought home points and compliments every weeked we've gone to a show, and he's had a wonderful time. I still can't believe he finished so quickly! I knew he was a nice dog, but WOW! I'm glad his breeder insisted that I show him, and that I had the opportunity to do so this summer. I enjoyed showing, and it was fun just hanging out with dogs and dog people for the weekend.

Ranger and I got the show routine down -- he gets a bath and trim, I pick out some clothers (I've learned to wear something with pockets for treats!), fill up some water bottles, throw my backpack in the Jeep, and off we go! Ranger likes to ride "shotgun", with the seat reclined all the way back while he snoozes or watches traffic. He's not picky about music. :-) At the show, he gets excited when I put the show collar. He loves being admired, and he usually tries to kiss the judge during inspection.

Several collie fanciers have asked if Ranger will be available for as a stud dog. He has the "whole package" -- correct conformation, temperament, intelligence, work ethic, and that hard-to-define collie attitude -- so he'll really be a nice contribution to the breed. He will be available for breeding, but I want to wait until he's a bit older and earn a few working titles with him first. Even then, I'm going to be picky about who he breeds to!

Now that Ranger has earned his championship in the conformation ring, we're going to get back to more active events. RJ & Splash are doing a lot of agility training, so we're going to join them. We'll be continuing tracking training, of course, and trying our hands at herding in the next few months.

finishing his championship in Greely, August 18, 2002

Greeley KC, 8/18/02
Finishing his championship with a major win at Greeley from Judge Lydia Coleman Hutchinson
Buckhorn Valley KC, 8/10/02

Buckhorn Valley KC, 8/10/02
Best of Variety for a 5-point major win from Judge Pat Hastings -- with Kelly Roche, who took Ranger in the ring when Nik had a seizure
August 11, 2002
Ranger earned Best of Variety at Sunday's Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club show (in Ft. Collins, CO)! He beat 6 class dogs & 4 specials, so it was a 5 point major! That gives him 14 points -- just one more, & he's a champ! Wow!!! Judge Pat Hastings absolutely loved him, especially his gorgeous head! Ranger also had a great time in the Group ring -- he loves all the clapping and attention! We got some really nice comments from people. Ranger got an ice cream cone as a treat, and he liked that, too. :-)

One of the best parts of Ranger's BOV is how it happened. Ranger kept barking and whining at me before the class, and I couldn't really figure out why, but thought it could just be nerves. But, during the 9-12 mo. class, I started having a partial seizure (my thyroid went haywire, so I'm having seizures again, and the meds aren't totally controlling them yet). Ranger won the class, and I went and sat down, but my right side was spasming too bad for me to take him back in. Once my seizure started, Ranger's "job" to alert me was over (and he got treats), so he calmed right down. Another handler who I've gotten to know, Kelly Roche, took Ranger in for me. So I got to watch Ranger in the ring, which was neat! Kelly knows Ranger's breeders and she also used to work with my cousin – small world. Several of the Colorado collie people have been extremely nice to me as I’m learning how to show, and Ranger and I are having a great time! I only started having seizures again in mid-July, and I picked up Ranger on Friday, so that was the first seizure he’s seen since January – and he remembered! I was impressed that he alerted in spite of the fact that it was a mild seizure, and there was the usual show confusion going on. What a boy! (I’m having surgery on my thyroid in September, so the seizures should stop soon.)
Read the full story here.

Ranger is growing like crazy. He’s grown nearly four inches taller this summer, and he’s starting to fill out. I'm amazed that he's doing so well in the show ring. He has a total novice for a handler, and all I do to prep him for the show is bathe him, trim his whiskers, and go! I’m so proud of my boy! He’s staying with me at my cousins’ for the rest of the summer, and it’s so nice to have someone to cuddle at night! He’s such a sweetheart – AND smart, AND gorgeous!
Colorado Springs, 6/8/02

Colorado Springs KC, 6/8/02
Major win from Judge Robert J Shreve
Colorado Springs, 6/9/02

Colorado Springs KC, 6/9/02
... and another from Judge Glenda L Henson
June 10, 2002
Ranger is continuing his winning ways in the Colorado summer AKC shows! He loves showing, and just struts around the ring! He has earned 9 points towards his AKC championship, including two 3-point majors!

He's taken Winners Dog every time, and has earned points every time except once -- and that was due to handler error at the Flatirons show! It was my first day of showing, and my nervousness rubbed off on Ranger. He just wouldn't stand still, and wouldn't pace at all! He has a beautiful smooth gait, but didn't show it to the judge. It was his first time showing outdoors, and the grass in the ring was just too interesting! We practiced that night, I calmed down, and he did much better the next day! Thankfully, we had a week together to work on ring manners before the Colorado Springs shows -- which was great, because Ranger was a gentleman in the ring and brought home two majors that weekend!

In spite of being handled be a total novice (me!), Ranger is doing extremely well in the show ring! Everyone is especially impressed with Ranger's temperament. In the ring, he's very animated and quite the show-off, but outside of the ring, he's quite content to lie at my feet and just watch everything. Dogs barking, kids running, people eating -- he just takes it all in, and is always happy to be petted by anyone who wants to meet him. Most people are very surprised to learn that he's still a teenager! He's quite the ambassador for smoothies!

Evergreen KC, 6/2/02

Evergreen KC, 6/2/02
Looking sharp for Judge Judith A Goodin
March 30-31, 2002
In his show debut, Ranger took Winners Dog and Best of Winners for both days of the Brazos Valley KC show! He earned one point each day. He was the youngest smooth collie there -- only 6 months and 6 days old! What a way to start a show career!

The judges thought he was wonderful puppy, and he had a great time in the ring -- he had that "I'm handsome, look at me -- I'm having fun!" look the entire time! He kissed the judge, didn't stand perfectly still, and did some exuberant jumps during the trot around the ring -- so we're going to work on his ring manners :-) . The judge laughed and smiled at him. But, hey, he had a good time, and that's what is important! He really liked showing!

BVKC show, March 31, 2002

Brazos Valley KC, 3/30/02
Ranger's successful show debut, with Judge Irene Bivin, friend/handler Rachel Hayes
BVKC show, March 31, 2002

Brazos Valley KC, 3/31/02
... and again the next day, with Judge Paula H. Hartinger, friend/handler Rachel Hayes, & owner Nik Rapelje

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RJ & Nik Rapelje

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